
Maybe if it the upstream bandwidth was there would be more applications to use 
it. I know it is a real
pain to upload pics to Facebook, etc on my 1mbs uplink, or move things to work 
across my VPN.


On 02/27/2015 02:30 PM, Scott Helms wrote:

Well, I wouldn't call using the mean a "myth", after all understanding most
customer behavior is what we all have to build our business cases around.
If we throw out what customers use today and simply take a build it and
they will come approach then I suspect there would fewer of us in this

Even when we look at anomalous users we don't see symmetrical usage, ie top
10% of uploaders.  We also see less contended seconds on their upstream
than we do on the downstream.  These observations are based on ~500k
residential and business subscribers across North America using FTTH
(mostly GPON), DOCSIS cable modems, and various flavors of DSL.

Scott Helms
Vice President of Technology
(678) 507-5000

On Fri, Feb 27, 2015 at 2:21 PM, Daniel Taylor <> wrote:

But by this you are buying into the myth of the mean.

It isn't that most, or even many, people would take advantage of equal
upstream bandwidth, but that the few who would need to take extra measures
unrelated to the generation of that content to be able to do so.

Given symmetrical provisioning, no extra measures need to be taken when
that 10 year old down the street turns out to be a master musician.

On 02/27/2015 11:59 AM, Scott Helms wrote:

This is true in our measurements today, even when subscribers are given
symmetrical connections.  It might change at some point in the future,
especially when widespread IPv6 lets us get rid of NAT as a de facto
deployment reality.

Scott Helms
Vice President of Technology
(678) 507-5000

On Fri, Feb 27, 2015 at 12:48 PM, Naslund, Steve <>

  How about this?  Show me 10 users in the average neighborhood creating
content at 5 mbps....Period.  Only realistic app I see is home
but I don't think you want everyone accessing that anyway.  The truth is
that the average user does not create content that anyone needs to see.
This has not changed throughout the ages, the ratio of authors to
artists to art lovers, musicians to music lovers, YouTube cat video
to cat video lovers, has never been a many to many relationship.

On 2015-02-27 12:13, wrote:

Consider a group of 10 users, who all create new content.  If each one
creates at a constant rate of 5 mbits, they need 5 up.  But to
download all the new content from the other 9, they need close to 50


And when you expand to several billion people creating new content,
you need a *huge* pipe down.

Steven Naslund
Chicago IL

Daniel Taylor          VP Operations            Vocal Laboratories, Inc.            (612)235-5711

Stephen Clark
*NetWolves Managed Services, LLC.*
Director of Technology
Phone: 813-579-3200
Fax: 813-882-0209

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