On Sun, May 17, 2015 at 7:50 AM, Mike Lyon <mike.l...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Any ISPs out there (big or small) ever used the Spamhaus BGP feed to
> prevent against botnet, spam, etc? If so, how has your experience been? Is
> it worthwhile? Has it helped? On / off list responses are appreciated in
> advance.

We've been using the BGP feed for a little over a year now.
We had some problems with malware infected end user PCs causing
upstream congestion resulting in "slow internet" complains.
The spamhouse feed definitely helped a little with our problem but
it's not the magic super tool to completely stop malware in your
On the other hand there was no complain due to a false positive (a
couple of years ago we had one complain due to a false positive on the
EDROP list).

Best Regards,
Frederik Kriewitz

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