I have completely lost track of the technical issues on this thread.

I would like DHCP-PD support for acquiring a prefix for tethering,
from both cellular, and from wifi, in android. A mobile (android is
also used in settop boxes and devices like that) and pretty standard
platform that I could put anywhere in the home to "boost the signal"
to devices elsewhere would be a goodness, much like I now use wifi
range extenders, bluetooth, powerline, and one day 802.11ad.

I also would not mind ahcpd, and hnetd support, and support for one or
more sane routing protocols.

Is the debate here conflating dhcpv6 (for getting addresses), and
dhcp-pd (for obtaining prefixes?) It is certainly possible to do one
without the other and vice versa.

The core bits of what I don't understand about the flamage is how hard
would it be for an end-user - or corporate client - to just add any of
these functionalities to this, cyanogenmod, etc.

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