On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 04:34:46PM +0000, Cryptographrix wrote:
> Have to agree with Shawn on this.
> If you watch her testimony in front of Congress, it is clear that she was
> completely flustered at the inability to hire competent people, and the
> lack of her superiors to prioritize the modernization project she had so
> passionately advocated for.
> When I've worked for organizations larger than - say - four or five office
> locations in diverse parts of the U.S., I've started to see how difficult
> it can become to get all of them to coordinate on *anything*, and I'm not
> even talking government here.
> >From the sound of it, she ran into the ceiling of available workers that
> were willing to work for the pay grade that the government offers for those
> positions, which is usually much less than private industry offers and - as
> a consequence - they are not nearly as familiar with migrations of that
> size.
> I do not envy her position, and doubt in the ability of anyone in her
> position to do more than she has attempted.
> Give her some credit.

She will have some large number of Civil Service Rockets "working", or at
least on the TO&E below her: 

"Won't work; can't be fired."

Mike Andrews, W5EGO
Tired old sysadmin 

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