On Sun, 12 Jul 2015, Paul B. Henson wrote:

I think it's been about a year and a half since I last looked (and
cried) at the status of FIOS IPv6. As far as I can tell, there's been no
new official news since 2013. We're deploying IPv6 at the university I
work at, so IPv6 at home is moving from "wish I had it to play with"
towards "need to have it to work from home". So it seems I either cancel
my fios and go with business class cable (I live in Time Warner
territory and it looks like they're good to go with IPv6) or set up a
tunnel with HE. Or pray Google fiber comes to my neck of the woods.

I've shaken this tree many times in the 3 years I've had FIOS (Pittsburgh, PA), and the results from Verizon have not been promising. I call their
customer service center to ask about IPv6 availability every few months,
and get the electronic equivalent of a blank stare. Promises to "make a notation in my account" don't mean much if no one who is in a position to act on that notation will ever read it.

I've also asked our Verizon rep through $dayjob about the v6 deployment status, and Verizon is so segmented and siloed internally, that it's been nearly impossible for them to find the right people.

As others have suggested, set up a tunnel with Hurricane Electric, and move on with life. I've had one for probably two years, and it's been rock-solid. While it would be great to have native v6 from Verizon, it doesn't look like it'll happen any time soon.

From what I understand, many of the ONTs and possibly set-top boxes if
you have FIOS TV service don't play nicely with v6. I don't know how true that is, or if those are still issues. I do recall hearing that upgrading to their Quantum service might get you a different ONT, but if that's true, I don't know if the those ONTs are any more v6-friendly. I don't know if there are any v6 compatibility issues further up the chain from the ONT.


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