Hello everyone

I recently got IPv6 working at home LAN. My Android device (Google Nexus 5)
is connected via wifi to LAN and LAN's core router is Map2N
<http://routerboard.com/RBmAP2n>. I have a /64 on the LAN with "advertise"
enabled to make ND to work and have autoconfig working on all devices.
There are bunch of other layer 2 devices in LAN but all just acting as
layer 2 transparently and core L3 remains on Map2N.

All works well for most part but only trouble I am getting is on Nexus 5
where after around 24hrs IPv6 stops working. Only unusual thing I notice at
that time is that phone 4 IPv6 as opposed to 2 (autoconf and temporary
randomised address). Seems like some kind of issue in way NDP works either
on Microtik or phone. The fix I am doing from few days is to restart wifi
and phone interface gets fresh (two) IPv6 addresses and all works well

Anyone facing similar issue? (Note: No issues on OS X or iOS which are in
same LAN)

I can try DHCPv6 but I guess most of devices do not support it yet. (I see
support for that in routerboard though).



Anurag Bhatia

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