On 10/13/2015 5:44 PM, Robert Story wrote:
On Tue, 13 Oct 2015 12:25:27 -0700 Robert wrote:
RG> We are having a problem with email from a certain IP being rejected
RG> with code FBLW15.  We have gone through the normal channels but have
RG> received no communication/acknowledgement from Microsoft at all. Emails
RG> to any domain with *outlook.com MX records are rejected with the
RG> following:
RG> [....]
RG> We have emailed del...@messaging.microsoft.com, with no response.

This has happened to me twice this year. Both times I got an auto-response
fairly quickly, and a followup message within a week, and was delisted.
Never could get any info on why I was listed in the first place, though.


An MS engineer reached out earlier, gave me this:


Signing for and using that tool, I was able to pin-point the cause. You can also sign-up for their junk-mail feedback loop.

Hope this helps you next time!

Bobby Glover
Director of IS & Engineering
SVI Incorporated

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