On Sun, 18 Oct 2015, Clayton Zekelman wrote:

I didn't think Asterisk had modem DSP and RAS code?!  Huh?

I was surprised to find IAXmodem (http://iaxmodem.sourceforge.net/), which
is "a software modem written in C that uses an IAX channel (commonly
provided by an Asterisk PBX system) instead of a traditional phone line and
uses a DSP library instead of DSP hardware chipsets."

It appears to be limited to 14.4k due to patent issues and handles faxes
only, but its existence suggests writing a software-only data modem should
be possible.

                                    -- Aaron

At 09:31 PM 17/10/2015, Dovid Bender wrote:
You can use Asterisk. All you need a digium/sangom T1/E1 card and a box.

------Original Message------
From: Will Duquette
Sender: NANOG
To: nanog@nanog.org
ReplyTo: wi...@staff.gwi.net
Subject: Dial Up Solutions
Sent: Oct 16, 2015 15:28

Does anyone have any suggestions on equipment for our ISP that is still
supporting dial up customers?

At the moment we are running 3Com Total Control 1000's but are running out
of spare parts as we have failures.  Given that this gear is so old trying
to source spare parts is proving to be difficult.

We do have access to an Cisco AS5200 but are looking for maybe a SIP based
solution that could possibly run on our VM farm?  Has anyone heard of
anything like that or does it even exist?

What kind of gear are you running if you still are supporting dial up

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