In message <>, Masataka Ohta writes:
> Max Tulyev wrote:
> > On our network, we had to spent times more money in people than in hardware.
> Certainly.
> > Customer support, especially network troubleshootings and so on...
> Customer support for IPv6 costs a lot, at least because of:
>    1) Unnecessarily lengthy IP addresses, not recognized by most, if not
>       all, customers
>    2) Lack of so promised automatic renumbering

Upgrade the vendors.  Nodes already renumber themselves automatically
when a new prefix appears.

Nodes can update their addresses in the DNS if the want to securely
using DNS UPDATE and TSIG / SIG(0).  Apple does this on Darwin.
You have to supply the name and credentials (Preferences -> Sharing
Edit.  Tick "Use dynamic global hostname" and fill in the details).
Microsoft does it with DNS UPDATE and GSS-TSIG after registering
the machine in the Active Directory database.  If two vendors can
do this so can the rest.

This isn't rocket science.  Firewall vendors could supply tools to
allow nodes to update their addresses in the firewall.  They could
even co-ordinate through a standards body.  It isn't that hard to
take names, turn them into addresses and push out new firewall rules
on demand as address associated with those names change.

Similarly with everything else that takes a address.  It just
requires that you think.  "There is a address/prefix here. How do
I automatically update it."

The DNS is a pull mechanism with updates being pushed to it.  It
isn't that hard to design a generic push mechanism that applications
could hook into to receive noticed of address updates pushed to

>    3) So stateful SLAAC
> > So upgrade hardware and network admins are NOT sufficient for IPv6
> > adoption ;)
> Upgrade IETF to upgrade IPv6.
>                                                       Masataka Ohta
Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742                 INTERNET:

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