On Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 4:24 PM, Clay Curtis <clay...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I work for a VAR and we are starting to have customers come to us to help
> with internet redundancy projects and they are unable to get address space
> from ARIN.  What are the viable options here?  I have read about secondary
> markets, transfers, auction sites, leasing, etc.  Can NANOG point me in the
> right direction as to the most effective way to get v4 space right now in
> the US?  And before we get into the whole IPv6 discussion, yes, yes, we are
> discussing this with customers as well.  That being said, they still need
> the IPv4 space in the near-term.

Sitting in exactly the same position.  IPv6 is great and all, but running
my business natively on IPv6 means nothing to me if my customers can't
reach me.


Chris Knipe

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