
I'm still on the h...@routeviews.org alias.

I haven't seen any mail from Kurt Kraut.

so I would suspect that something is being filtered someplace.

perhaps we can interceed to identify that issue.


On 12/8/15 8:24 AM, Kurt Kraut via NANOG wrote:
> Hi,
> For the past couple of months I've been attempting to add new Autonomous
> Systems to the RouteViews project and got no response. Talking to other AS
> in my area, I wasn't able to find no new BGP operator that got a response
> from them since July.
> Is RouteViews dead? If the answer is yes, it is sad. It is the most used
> resource about the internet routing for multiple perspectives.
> Is there any other similar project that I could colaborate providing the
> point of view of my routers have of the internet?
> Best regards,
> Kurt Kraut

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