Hi Jeff,

> It's far past time to worry about architectural purity.  We need people
> deploying IPv6 *NOW*, and it needs to be the job of the IETF, at this
> point, to fix the problems that are causing people not to deploy.

I partially agree with you. If people have learned how IPv6 works, deployed 
IPv6 (even if just in a lab) and came to the conclusion that there is an 
obstacle then I very much want to hear what problems they ran into. That's 
rarely the case unfortunately. Most of the time I hear "we don't want to learn 
something new".

If the choice is between the IETF having to change standards vs some people 
having to learn something new then sorry, they will have to invest some time 
and learn.... IPv4 != IPv6. You have to keep learning, that's part of the job.

Where we should focus our efforts is on making that learning process as easy as 
we can. That is an area where we have been failing horribly. Especially for 
enterprises. The mindset in enterprises is very different from that in ISPs, 
and we have been assuming for too long that documentation and best-practices 
for an ISP also work in an enterprise. I see a lot of enterprises that just 
don't know where to start, how to best run their networks with IPv6, with 
concerns about management, privacy, security etc. Changing standards isn't 
going to solve that (except to give them a false sense of security because it 
starts looking a lot like IPv4 on the surface). Besides: the time it takes to 
change standards and get new code deployed everywhere would be a bigger 
obstacle in getting IPv6 deployed soon anyway.

So yes, people have to deploy IPv6 as soon as possible, but it's not the job of 
the IETF to fix all of the obstacles. There are definitely obstacles that the 
IETF needs to fix. But I don't think this is one of them... This one is better 
solved by showing how to make good use of all the nice features that IPv6 


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