On 12/26/2015 06:19 AM, Mike Hammett wrote:
How much is an acceptable standard to the community? Individual /32s
( or /64s)? Some tipping point where 50% of a /24 (or whatever it's
IPv6 equivalent would be) has made your naughty list that you block
the whole prefix?

My gauge is volume of obnoxious traffic. When I get lots of SSH probes from a /32, I block the /32. When I get lots of SSH probes across a range of a /24, I block the /24.

When I see that the bad traffic has caused me to block multiple /24s, I will block the entire allocation.

By "lots" I mean hundreds or more. When the criminals try to bust my door down, I take stops to stop them.

Ditto with attempts to relay mail through my mail servers.

My goal isn't to reduce traffic. My goal is to stop irresponsible people from finding a rat-hole to do things I don't authorize them to do. Defense in depth.

This is in addition to selecting the TCP and UDP ports carefully that I expose to the outside world. Indeed, I have separate ACLs for inbound, outbound, and DMZ ports. So, I've limited service from the inside to the outside to this:

#       ---originated by LAN host to Internet
FORWARD_TCP="ftp ssh snmp telnet smtp smtps submission domain http https ntp nicname 
rwhois pop3 pop3s imap imaps radius"
FORWARD_TCP="$FORWARD_TCP 465 8008 webcache 8443 8888 snpp rsync"
#           xmpp-client
FORWARD_TCP="$FORWARD_TCP 5222 5223 8002"
#           Microsoft Notification Protocol (msnp) [Messenger]
#           Microsoft PPTP
#           Timbuktu client, Service Ports 1-4
FORWARD_TCP="$FORWARD_TCP 407 1417:1420"
#           memoq
FORWARD_UDP="domain ntp snmp 407 443 500 1419 1701 1812 4500 snmp 3389 10000 55555 

Your client base and my client base differ. I make NNAP difficult to use against the world from my people. But I don't hamstring them; if they want access to an outside service, they have but to ask.

I also terminate spammers.

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