Agreed. A "Top 10" report would be awesome. 

Mike Hammett 
Intelligent Computing Solutions 

Midwest Internet Exchange 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Ca By" <> 
To: "Rich Kulawiec" <> 
Sent: Saturday, January 16, 2016 7:43:56 AM 
Subject: Re: de-peering for security sake 

On Saturday, January 16, 2016, Rich Kulawiec <> wrote: 

> On Thu, Dec 24, 2015 at 11:44:10PM +0000, Colin Johnston wrote: 
> > We really need to ask if China and Russia for that matter will not 
> > take abuse reports seriously why allow them to network to the internet ? 
> One could ask the exact same question about Amazon -- which, as of 
> the moment, is the worst spam-supporting operation on the planet: 
> Are they merely incompetent? negligent? stupid? lazy? Or are they 
> taking payoffs and bribes from spammers? Of course from outside there's 
> no way to know. But this is not how responsible, ethical, professional 
> operations behave: those operations promptly read, analyze, answer, and 
> act on every single abuse report that they get. 
> ---rsk 

I really like what spamhaus has done here. 

I see a great deal of folks on nanog clamoring to buy ddos gear. Packets 
are starting to become like spam email, where 90% are pure rubbish, and 
us good guys have to spend a lot of money and time sorting signal from 

Can Cloudflare, Akamai, and the others in the ddos protection racket please 
do as spamhaus has done? It would really be a great service to aggregate 
and release high level data on where these ddos bots are hosted. 

The pessimistic side of me believes cloudflare and akamai want the internet 
to be choked with bots such that everyone must pay their toll, so the 
information on the bots is a trade secret... But please prove me wrong so 
we can drive higher accountability on the internet. 

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