> On Jan 28, 2016, at 05:46 , Bacon Zombie <baconzom...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Do all "smart" TVs and Game consoles fully support IPv6 out of the box?
Sadly, hardly any so far. A few models from Sony is all so far to the best
of my knowledge. However, there is effort continuing on that front and my
hat’s off to JJB from Comcast for his effective efforts in this regard.

I’ve made some efforts and ARIN has made several efforts as well.

The situation is slowly getting better.

I believe IPv6 support will be coming to Apple TV soon. I don’t know
what the plans (if any) are at TiVO. I’m overdue to hammer on them

> On 28 Jan 2016 10:17, "Chris Knipe" <sav...@savage.za.org 
> <mailto:sav...@savage.za.org>> wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 28, 2016 at 11:07 AM, Owen DeLong <o...@delong.com 
> <mailto:o...@delong.com>> wrote:
> >
> > Fortunately Netflix is running IPv6 for most things already. If you’re an
> > ISP and you’re not
> > allowing them to reach Netflix via IPv6, then you’re part of the problem
> > rather than the solution.
> >
> >
> Sure.  Easy to say when you have access to IPv6, and your transit providers
> actually PROVIDE IPv6 services.

If you are subscribing to transit providers that don’t provide IPv6, then you
should be doing something about that. It’s not like there are no transit 
in ZA that support IPv6. I know for a fact that at least Liquid can deliver
IPv6 there. I suspect there are others as well.

> So sick and tired of this IPv6 preaching.  There are HUGE obstacles in huge
> parts of the world preventing the use of IPv6.

Such as? The only way this gets better is if we actually start taking actions
to knock those obstacles down. I’ve done that in lots of places. I’ll continue
to do so where I can.

There are huge obstacles coming to continuing to use IPv4, too. The difference
is that we _CAN_ overcome the obstacles to IPv6 deployment. IPv4 has no such

> Simply throwing IPv6 as a solution to absolutely everything, is hardly an
> solution at all I'm afraid.

IPv6 doesn’t solve everything. It solves the shortage of addresses and allows
us to side-step the problems with IPv4 CGN and certain other issues that
arise as a result of address shortages in IPv4.

I’ve never suggested that IPv6 is a solution to anything other than this 
set of problems. However, the set of problems being discussed in this thread 
seem to specifically relate to that particular issue.


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