On 13 March 2016 at 19:20, Matthew Kaufman <matt...@matthew.at> wrote:

> I come to the opposite conclusion - that this situation can persist with
> apparently no business impact to either party shows that IPv6 is still
> unnecessary.

It does in fact have business impact on Cogent (but not Google). It means
that some Cogent customers, like us, that are multihomed no longer will
take in any Google IPv6 traffic via Cogent. This means we will be upgrading
other transits before we upgrade Cogent. Cogent will simply have less bytes
to sell to us.

This effect will be most profound in markets with eyeball networks that
implement IPv6.

On the other hand, Cogent might not know what they are missing out on. Our
traffic growth will mask the fact that they lost some revenue here.

It might also be that we did already get the Google traffic on a different
circuit and therefore nothing changed. But Cogent has many customers, so
there has to be some that just moved their IPv6 google traffic to other
transits as result of this.



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