On Sun, Mar 20, 2016 at 11:00:36PM -0500, Larry Sheldon wrote:
> On 3/19/2016 18:16, Warren Kumari wrote:
> > Found on Staple's website:
> > http://www.staples.com/NetReset-Automated-Power-Cycler-for-Modems-and-Routers/product_1985686
> >
> > Fixes all issues, less downtime, less stress...
> etc...
> .......
> ........
> ...and so forth
> ................
> .................
> ..................and so on.
> > Resetting allows equipment to auto-correct issues
> Recalls to mind years ago in the Toll testroom where I work, the 
> evenings equipment man (charged with and assigned to the task of 
> repairing equipment that had been "patched out" by the day shift) would, 
> when he arrived for work each day, retrieve the piece of 2 X 4 from its 
> hiding place and whack each bay of relay-rich equipment as he walked in 
> the area.
> Then, after some coffee and a cigarette, he would go through the 
> trouble-ticket collection, retest the item, mark the ticket "NTF" and 
> proceed to the next item.

I love that!

Just goes to show the vast range of technical issues that can be
readily righted with little more than a good thump with a hammer.


Wayne Bouchard
Network Dude

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