FYI, similar to "battleshort", the term BATTLE OVERRIDE is described [1] on 
page 45 of G. Gordon Liddy's book _Will_,
and apparently [2] "Battle Override" was to be the original title of Liddy's 
autobiography, but the publisher wanted a one-word title.  Quotes: 

"On the multidialed wall behind the radar technicians was a prominent switch 
with a red security cover.  It was marked: BATTLE OVERRIDE", and 

"In the event of a battle emergency, however, the protective warm-up delay 
could be overridden and full power applied immediately by throwing the 'Battle 
Override' switch, as everything and everyone became expendable in war."

Tony Patti


-----Original Message-----
From: NANOG [] On Behalf Of Jay R. Ashworth
Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2016 3:59 PM
To: North American Network Operators' Group
Subject: Top-shelf resilience (Re: Why the US Government has so many data 

----- Original Message -----
> From: "George Herbert" <>

> There are corner cases where distributed resilience is paramount, 
> including a lot of field operations (of all sorts) on ships (and 
> aircraft and spacecraft), or places where the net really is unstable.  
> Any generalizations that wrap those legitimate exceptions in are overreaching 
> their valid descriptive range.

This seems like a good time to mention my favorite example of such a thing.

In the Navy, originally, and it ended up in a few other places, there was 
invented the concept of a 'battleshort', or 'battleshunt', depending on whom 
you're talking to.

This was something akin to a Big Frankenstein Knife Switch across the main 
circuit breaker in a power panel (and maybe a couple branch circuit breakers), 
whose job was to make sure those didn't trip on you at an inconvenient time.

Like when you were trying to lay a gun on a Bad Guy.

The engineering decision that was made there was that the minor possiblity of a 
circuit overheating and starting something on fire was less important that *the 
ability to shoot at the bad guys*...

Or, in my favorite example, something going wrong when launching Apollo rockets.

If you examine the Firing Room recorder transcripts from the manned Apollo 
launches, you will find, somewhere in the terminal count, an instruction to 
"engage the battle short", or something like that.

Men were, I have been told, stationed at strategic locations with 
extinguishers, in case something which would normally have tripped a breaker 
was forbidden from doing so by the shunt...

so that the power wouldn't go out at T-4 seconds.

It's referenced in this article:

and a number of other places google will find you.

Unknown whether this protocol was still followed in the Shuttle era, or whether 
it will return in the New Manned Space Flight era.

But, like the four star saluting the Medal Of Honor recipient, it's one of 
those outliers that's *so far* out, that I love and collect them.

And it's a good category of idea to have in the back of your head when planning.

-- jra
Jay R. Ashworth                  Baylink             
Designer                     The Things I Think                       RFC 2100
Ashworth & Associates          2000 Land Rover DII
St Petersburg FL USA      BCP38: Ask For It By Name!           +1 727 647 1274

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