[ Apologies if you saw this elsewhere already - jtk ]

Friends, colleagues, fellow operators,

The network security track, formerly known as the ISP security BoF,
may be on the agenda at NANOG 67 in Chicago and if we can put together a
reasonable agenda I may be your track facilitator.

We not only seek your participation, but we are also interested you
contributing to the track content.  If you have an idea or if you know
someone who might like to present, discuss or conduct a demonstration
of something, we want to hear from you.  Here is an incomplete list of
relevant topics to stir your thoughts:

  * Privacy-related issues and topics
  * DDoS attacks and mitigation
  * Internet of Things and security
  * Government regulatory and compliance issues
  * IPv6 considerations
  * abuse@ management and war stories
  * 802.11 authentication, authorization and accounting
  * New security software projects and tools (non-commercial)
  * The latest in protocol abuse
  * <insert your new cool tool or idea here>


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