I've been very happy with the 2.3 release. Modularizing everything and the
new bootstrap GUI is very nice. Updated BSD code base is a godsend.
On May 6, 2016 2:36 PM, "Aris Lambrianidis" <effulge...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Mel Beckman wrote:
>> But bug reports and response can be measured, at least by those with
>> support contracts for the commercial products. I found PFSense less
>> reliable by a quite large margin than commercial offerings. Plus when I
>> have a problem, I can open a case and somebody else is working on it
>> (because I paid them to), and they usually solve the problem without a lot
>> more involvement on my part.
> Valid points, my intention was to share my thoughts on certification and
> audit processes in general, and I guess in the process derail the thread a
> bit.
> Back to pfSense,  arguably the point you raise is even stronger than the
> "bad coding practices" one. I might even say I personally don't care much
> about coding practices as I care about support services being prompt and
> effective. The latter
> *may* actually lead to good coding practices, but not the other way around.
> Aris

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