> On Jun 3, 2016, at 23:48 , Mikael Abrahamsson <swm...@swm.pp.se> wrote:
> On Fri, 3 Jun 2016, Cryptographrix wrote:
>> I have a VPN connection at my house. There's no way for them to know the 
>> difference between me using my home network connection from Hong Kong or my 
>> home network connection from my house.
> In my case I have a he.net tunnel from their tunnel servers in Stockholm. 
> This is properly GEOIP:ed to Sweden (I had to get that done by another 
> content provider that seems to use the same GEOIP as Netflix, because after 
> this was done a year ago or something, Netflix stopped thinking I was in the 
> US when I accessed it over IPv6.)
> My regular IPv4 address also GEOIPs to same place.
> So the fact I am using IPv6 through a tunnel provider seems to be what 
> triggers Netflix to block me. The fact that my IPv4 connectivity is NOT 
> through a tunnel, is something they could check.
> I really wish their tunnel connectivity checker was a bit more sofisticated 
> so it would correlate the following:
> My billing address is in Sweden.
> My IPv4 GEOIP says I am in Sweden.
> My IPv6 GEOIP says I am in Sweden.
> Ok, so fine, I am not trying to circumvent anything so just let me watch the 
> bloody content ok to show to people in Sweden.
> -- 
> Mikael Abrahamsson    email: swm...@swm.pp.se

Get your own /48 and advertise to HE Tunnel via BGP. Problem solved.

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