Is there a list of IPv6 only ISP or services?  I'd be curious to trend that 
somehow, by geography, service type, etc... if any.

>-----Original Message-----
>From: NANOG [] On Behalf Of Mark Andrews
>Sent: July-04-16 9:49 AM
>To: Matt Hoppes
>Cc: Tore Anderson;
>Subject: Re: IPv6 deployment excuses
>In message <B9CDA0F3-AE6F-435D-9904-
>>, Matt  Hoppes writes:
>> I disagree. Any data center or hosting provider is going to continue
>> to offer IPv4 lest they island themselves from subscribers who have
>> IPv4 only - which no data center is going to do.
>> One can not run IPv6 only because there are sites that are only IPv4.
>> Thus, as an ISP you can safely continue to run IPv4. Ipv4 won't be
>> going away for at least ten years or more - if ever.
>> I'm not saying don't be ready for IPv6. I'm not saying don't
>> understand how it works. But doomsday isn't here.
>There are ISP's that are essentially IPv6 only today as they do not have enough
>IPv4 addresses to give all their customers a public
>IPv4 address.
>Once you need to run a GGN you may as well run DS-Lite, MAP* or
>(shudder) DNS64/NAT64 as NAT444.  There is no need to talk IPv4 to your
>customers today.  You still need a small number of IPv4 address to talk to
>legacy IPv4 servers on the internet.  Just because there owners don't know they
>are legacy servers doesn't mean they aren't.
>Mark Andrews, ISC
>1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
>PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742                 INTERNET:

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