On 11/07/2016 09:24, Mark Andrews wrote:
>> Our provider sale representative, who is the most tech savvy sale-rep I
>> ever encountered by far, which is not a very high bar, but still, said
>> something like:
>> "You shouldn't worry about that, we have plenty of IPv4 addresses
>> left... and besides we are "working on it(TM)"... it's going to be
>> deployed next year... probably "
>> Needless to say I'm still waiting. :)
> The default comeback to that is: Are you going to give the addresses
> to the people I need to talk to that don't have a unshared IPv4
> addresses but do have IPv6 addresses?  I thought not, so get off
> you a#$e and deliver IPv6 today.  You are already way too late
> delivering IPv6.  It's not like you didn't already have a decade
> to plan how to deliver it.

I don't think it's going to go a long way being rude to them. :)

We would have chosen another ISP that offered IPv6 if the alternatives
in the price range were half as good but they ain't...

More people should ask for it, that's the way to go in my opinion. As
for us I'm going to keep pestering them on regular basis on the subject
but it's obvious I'm not part of a majority. The truth is though IPv6 is
not yet mandatory for our business and that's why we prefer a all-around
better provider then a lesser one that deployed IPv6.

My 2 euro cents.

Davide Davini

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