On Fri, 22 Jul 2016 10:54:48 +0200, Ricardo Ferreira said:
> Is there anyone here working in an ISP where IPv6 is deployed?
> We are starting to plan the roll-out IPv6 to mobile subscribers (phones) I
> am interesting in knowing the mask you use for the assignment; whether it
> is /64 or /128.
> In RFC 3177, it says:

>       -  /128 when it is absolutely known that one and only one device
>          is connecting.

See this RFC, which is a recently released BCP:

7934 Host Address Availability Recommendations. L. Colitti, V. Cerf, S.
     Cheshire, D. Schinazi. July 2016. (Format: TXT=37124 bytes) (Also
     BCP0204) (Status: BEST CURRENT PRACTICE) (DOI: 10.17487/RFC7934)

In short - even when you have only one device connecting, you probably need
more than one address.

Also, consider the common practice of tethering....

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