While many are chanting: #NetworkLivesMatter, I have yet
to see, read, or hear about any network provider being
the first to set precedence by either de-peering, or
blocking traffic from Cloudflare. There is a lot of
keyboard posturing: "I am mad and I am not going to take
it anymore" hooplah but no one is lifting a finger to
do anything other than regurgitate "I am mad... This is

Government in the US is not going to get involved as the
financial cost won't warrant an investigation. Would you
spend $100 to tow a car worth $1. Cloudflare, Amazon,
Rackspace, and countless others are, and have been 
allowing the same thing since the dawn of their creation
and network operators... Shame on you for allowing it.

It is legal? Is it moral? Does it serve a real world
benefit? (booters). Let's get real these booters serve
little purpose. Anyone can go back to romper room and do
the simple math: I have a 100mb pipe, if someone sends me
200mb will it flood me? A pre-schooler can give anyone
the answer. Yet here is everyone chiming in on legal
matters when not one respondent that I have seen is a

I wrote about this in my rambling which is linked in the
NANOG LinkedIn group: "Why Do Networking Providers Like
Cybercriminals So Much" and the responses I have read on
this thread, make me believe it more so. Networking
operators could give a rats ass about doing anything about
DDoS, viruses. etc., since it is a source of revenue
down the daisy chain. Like it or not. I would be surprised
if ANYONE in this NOG, or any other "NOG" de-peered out of
principle. With that said, I don't even know why this
thread is being continued. 

J. Oquendo

"Where ignorance is our master, there is no possibility of
real peace" - Dalai Lama

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