DNS Results for query A krebsonsecurity.comAnswer:krebsonsecurity.com 157 IN A

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Justin Paine 
Head of Trust & Safety 
CloudFlare Inc. 
PGP: BBAA 6BCE 3305 7FD6 6452 711557B6 0114 DE0B 314D

On Sat, Sep 24, 2016 at 2:17 PM -0700, "Brett Watson" <br...@the-watsons.org> 

> that's not the one I was thinking of, this is:
> which references your presentation, nice! and is about J-root, not K-root,
> but mentions Lorenzo's work on K-root studies... In anycase, both seem to
> say that 'tcp anycast works fine' (inside some set of parameters).

Right… and we’ve known this since about… ? 1996?

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