> On Oct 10, 2016, at 14:59 , Baldur Norddahl <baldur.nordd...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Den 10/10/2016 kl. 22.27 skrev Owen DeLong:
>> Not true… There are myriad reasons that the /24 might not reach a network 
>> peered with ISP-A, including the possibility of being a downstream customer 
>> of a network peered with or buying transit from ISP-A. In the latter case, 
>> not an issue, since it’s paid transit, but in the former (peered, not 
>> transit), again, ISP-A is probably not super excited to carry traffic that 
>> someone isn’t paying them to carry.
> But ISP-A is in fact being paid to carry the traffic. Supposedly ISP-B has a 
> paid transit relation to ISP-A. In the case the transit link is down ISP-A 
> might have to transport the traffic through a less profitable link however.

Which isn’t really in the agreement between ISP-B and ISP-A unless it was 
specifically (and unusually) negotiated.

Also, you’re assuming that the leased space came with a transit agreement. In 
many cases, address leases don’t, so consider the additional scenario where 
ISP-B leases addresses from ISP-A, but has transit contracts with ISP-C and 
ISP-D but no connection at all to ISP-A.

> I know that if ISP-A was my network I would be making money even with the 
> transit link down. Yes I might have to transport something out of my network 
> through one of my transits, but outbound traffic is in fact free for us 
> because we are heavy inbound loaded.

Yes, but it doesn’t help if it also came in on a transit link. Any traffic you 
both receive and transmit on transit costs you money pretty much no matter who 
you are.


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