I did some snippage, but I believe I kept to the idea.

::  you seem to want various laws made to control it.  

> Yes.

It's a global network.  I want to say what country's 
laws, but see below.  Also, if you want something to
be broken beyond recognition get a government to
regulate it.  It'll be a major FAIL.

:: you seem to want the masses to uprise against the 
:: "tier 1" folks and force it there.

> Actually, I'm not 100% sure even that would do it.

One the masses of the world will not rise up together 
for anything, much less that this.

:: you seem to want various governments to band 
:: together to form a "law of cyber" coalition

> Yes.

This will never happen.  Even if some did band together
others will not and that would create a haven for the
bad people.

:: and for a "you must be this tall to ride the internet" 
:: measurement.

> No, I never said that.  I don't care how tall you are, 
> or how young or how old or how whatever you are.  You 
> should be able to use the Internet.

I should've been more clear.  You didn't understand what
I meant.

> But with privledges should come some accountability, 
> and that is entirely lacking at present.

How will you get a two year kid in Kaaawa, Oahu to obtain
accountability before 'riding' the internet.

:: no one can get a list of everyone on this planet that 
:: is allowed to 'play' on the internet.

> Correct.  And that is a major part of the problem.


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