On 2016-12-19 12:52 PM, David wrote:
On 2016-12-19 11:29 AM, Laurent Dumont wrote:
I also have a similar experience with an increased load.

I'm running a pretty basic Linode VPS and I had to fine tune a few
things in order to deal with the increased traffic. I can clearly see a
date around the 14-15 where my traffic increases to 3-4 times the usual

From a source network point of view we see devices come online and hit
~35 unique NTP servers within a few seconds.

I'll try to see if I can track down what type of devices they are.

I found devices doing lookups for all of these at the same time {0,0.uk,0.us,asia,europe,north-america,south-america,oceania,africa,europe}.pool.ntp.org and then it proceeds to use everything returned, which explains why everyone is seeing an increase.

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