
I am curious, is the IX non-for-profit as well? The wikipedia entry for IX's
doenst indicate which IX's are non-profit. Im curious as to the prevalence
and size (as well as the relative successes) of such IX's vs for profit models 
(equinix etc).


On Sun, Jan 15, 2017 at 06:30:45PM -0600, Mike Hammett said:
  >If you know someone that may be interested, we have a launch event later 
this week for our St. Louis IX. St. Louis is a bit different than our existing 
market in that we've partnered with a local non-profit that will be focusing on 
non-commercial Internet aspects. These sorts of things are innovation 
neighborhoods, IoT, healthcare, education, public safety, etc. They may (or may 
not) be the big volume things we're used to, but they need local, low-latency 
connectivity just as much. 
  >Mike Hammett 
  >Intelligent Computing Solutions 
  >Midwest Internet Exchange 
  >The Brothers WISP 

Ken Chase - skype:kenchase23 +1 416 897 6284 Toronto 
Heavy Computing - Clued bandwidth, colocation and managed linux VPS @151 Front 
St. W.

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