On Fri, Jun 02, 2017 at 10:28:38AM +0300, Denys Fedoryshchenko wrote:
> American diplomats are doing also all sort of nasty stuff in
> Russia(and not only),

Yes they have and for a very long time.

> but that's a concern of the equivalent of FBI/NSA/etc, not operators
> public discussion places, unless it really affect operators anyhow.
> Just amazing, how NANOG slipped into pure politics.

The network(s) have been political for a very long time and will only
become more so as time passes.  Remember, the engineers wishing for
the purity of technical discussion are usually the same ones crying
that, "information wants to be free."

Well, no matter.  You want purely technical, okay, let's start with
authorised mail hosts.

You need to add to the SPF record for visp.net.lb,
which is currently triggering softfails everywhere.  It might be wise
to explicitly state whether or not it is just in the
SPF record for nuclearcat.com given the deny all instruction for that


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