
We have the Zabbix IT Services (running on Zabbix 3.2) configured for some test 
groups.  It usually returns good data but occasionally it seems that one 
service group or trigger will get stuck in an alerting state and provide an 
incorrect SLA.  This can occur if the trigger has changed to a problem state 
and then back to OK but the IT services doesn't reflect that change.  It will 
occur where the top level group will show as having 100% problem time and the 
sub groups and items either have no problem time or such a small amount that it 
wouldn't indicate 100% problem time.

We have it built with some groups under root, some sub groups and items and the 
items will have a trigger associated with those items.  We followed this 
article to the best of our knowledge: 
For Example: 
|Data Center 
|--Core1 - ICMP - Trigger
|--Core2 - ICMP - Trigger

Each subitem is a child of the item above it.  We haven't configured any 
dependencies to any other groups or items.
My question is, has anyone gotten the Zabbix IT Services to work correctly?  Is 
there a trick to getting it to work, some configuration we are doing 


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