You've probably used the Wayback Machine, but have you ever wondered how
it works?

We think of Nanog folks as part of our natural community.

So Nanog attendees who will be in the Bay Area before or after the
upcoming San Jose Nanog meeting are particularly welcome to be our
guests at community lunch at the Internet Archive (300 Funston at
Clement,  San Francisco) on either Friday Sept 29, or Friday Oct 6. 

Lunch, buffet style, starts promptly at noon, and prepare to say what
you're up to, because we go around the room making brief

Afterwards, you can tour the Archive -- see what we do and possibly get
involved in helping out with some ambitious plans.

To come on Sept 29, RSVP by tomorrow (Sept 27) with a count (so we have
enough food) to
or to come on Oct 6, RSVP by Wednesday (Oct 4) with a count to   (who will also be at the conference).

(There is often street parking for at least 2 hours.  Public
transportation involves the 38L bus -- we're at the other end of town
from Bart/Caltrain, very close to the Presidio and the Golden Gate Bridge.)

If you are local to the Bay Area or hanging around after Nanog, you may
want to attend our upcoming Annual Celebration on the evening of Oct 11:

More information about the Internet Archive at

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