I messaged the Nest guys a few weeks ago about that very issue. I think it would be somewhat simple for them to put an RF module in their Protect devices (smoke alarms) and a speaker to alert about the issue. Since they are wifi-enabled, they could probably also arrange a clearer audio feed over the internet with a fallback to RF if the internet is down/power is out.
-A On Fri, Oct 13, 2017 at 1:59 PM, Sean Donelan <s...@donelan.com> wrote: > > Has anyone heard if the smart speaker companies (Amazon Echo, Google Home) > plan to include emergency alert capability? An estimate 10% of households > own a smart speaker, and Gartner (well-known for its forecasting accuracy) > predicts 75% of US households will have a smart speaker by 2020. > > Although most silicon valley tech nerds are still in the "invincible" years, > were the california fires close enough to silicon valley that smart speaker > developers might think an emergency could affect them. And an emergency > alert capability in their smart speakers might be important? >