
We're the ones to blame.
There is known bug.  Give us couple more days. Would normally take  few
hours to fix, but we have  Peering Forum on hands.

P.S.  There is  CONTACT US button on page to report bugs, way more reliable
way to submit bugs and  additional thanks to Job for pointing me up to this

On Wed, Dec 6, 2017 at 5:06 AM, Mike Hammett <> wrote:

> Does anyone use this site much? Has something happened to reduce their
> visibility?
> I've noticed multiple networks that had massive drops in peerings on or
> around March 11, 2017. AS5650 went from 66 to 12. AS53828 went from 436 to
> 19. PCH's AS3856 looking glass still reports adjacencies to both of those
> ASes. AS3856 went from 183 adjacencies to 113 that same day (and didn't
> bounce back). It seems rather unlikely that PCH would lose that much, given
> that their goal is to collect route table information. Even more odd that
> those two ASNs would also lose a ton of peers the same day.
> Thoughts?
> -----
> Mike Hammett
> Intelligent Computing Solutions
> Midwest Internet Exchange
> The Brothers WISP


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