Ive found some other stuff that's totally busted, but screw those who havent
patched their systems. We should not help them at all as knowlegeable stewards
of big chunks of bandwidth, we should just write stuff about how silly they
are instead:


read the first table on page 3 and then explain the philosophy of not caring
about this as a general issue affecting the entire internet. That's not, to
date, been the attitude I've seen in here or elsewhere amongst admins, and I
dont see why we should start now.

(And I'd fix it _right now_, but it's at my major customer's discretion. I've
explained the risks, he's taken them to heart. He too is an actual seasoned
admin (with quagga experience), but turned off his AS least year and got out of
the game. He has his reasons for waiting a bit longer.)


On Fri, Dec 22, 2017 at 11:11:44PM +0000, Nick Hilliard said:
  >William Herrin wrote:
  >> On Fri, Dec 22, 2017 at 5:45 PM, Nick Hilliard <n...@foobar.org> wrote:
  >>     If you've been hit with a known service-affecting problem that can
  >>     easily recur without warning and which will be service affecting if it
  >>     hits again, common sense suggests that it would be a good idea to
  >>     upgrade to a version of code which isn't affected.
  >> Well, that's a brilliant platitude, but what do you do when it breaks
  >> over and over until the other guy upgrades?
  >I dunno, maybe shake our fists and rage a bit about the existence of
  >service affecting bugs?  It's not like we haven't all been in this
  >position at one stage or another.
  >The point was, though, that there's been several months since this bug
  >was discussed on nanog-l way back in balmy september, and given the fact
  >that it can completely wipe out connectivity without warning for those
  >affected, it would have been a good idea to deal with the problem in an
  >orderly way at the time rather than letting it interfere with eggnog and
  >seasonal good cheer, at one of the times of year where chunks of the
  >world are busy taking well-deserved holidays.
  >On which point, seasonal cheers to all.

Ken Chase - k...@heavycomputing.ca skype:kenchase23 +1 416 897 6284 Toronto 
Heavy Computing - Clued bandwidth, colocation and managed linux VPS @151 Front 
St. W.

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