Yeah, it'd be silly for organisations to try and standardise their environments 
for services or infrastructure. 

-----Original Message-----
From: NANOG [] On Behalf Of Rich Kulawiec
Sent: Thursday, 18 January 2018 4:03 AM
Subject: Re: Open Souce Network Operating Systems

On Wed, Jan 17, 2018 at 08:28:13AM -0600, Colton Conor wrote:
> The goal would be to have a universal network operating system that 
> runs across a variety of devices.

And for certain uses, that would be handy.

Of course it would also be handy to an attacker who found or purchased or was 
given an exploitable hole in that OS, because then they could pwn the entire 
intrastructure simultaneously.  One-stop shopping, as it were.


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