On Wed, Feb 07, 2018 at 01:23:26PM +1100, Ben McGinnes wrote:
> Hello,
>       If there's anyone involved with archive.org's systems team
> lurking around here, I'd appreciate being contacted off list.

I knew there was a reason I stayed on this list even after departing
the ISP, hosting and domain registration space and this, right here,
is it.

Thanks one and all for demonstrating real networking, in all senses of
the term.


P.S.  To my fellow GPG users: Don't worry about the revelation that
      there's a GPG dev in such a cryptographically ignorant (not to
      mention mathematics denying) and rights eroded country as
      Australia.  I deliberately stay away from the libgcrypt
      component of GPG for all the reasons that might come to mind
      (and maybe one or two others).  There's plenty else to work on
      anyway.  ;)

|   Ben McGinnes   |   Adversarial Press   |  Author and Publisher  |
| Writer, Trainer, Systems Administrator, Developer, ICT Consultant |
| Twitter:  @benmcginnes (personal)  |  @AdversaryPub (publishing)  |
| Web:  http://www.adversary.org/  http://publishing.adversary.org/ |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
|  GPG Made Easy (GPGME) Python 3 API Maintainer, GNU Privacy Guard |
| GPG key: 0x321E4E2373590E5D  http://www.adversary.org/ben-key.asc |
| GPG key fpr:  DB47 24E6 FA42 86C9 2B4E  55C4 321E 4E23 7359 0E5D  |
|     https://www.gnupg.org/      https://securetheinternet.org/    |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
|  This message may be delayed by failures of the Australian NBN.   |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------- |

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