> On Jul 17, 2018, at 10:44 AM, Mark Tinka <mark.ti...@seacom.mu> wrote:
> On 17/Jul/18 16:41, Mike Hammett wrote:
>> 10G to the home will be pointless as more and more people move away
>> from Ethernet to WiFi where the noise floor for most installs prevents
>> anyone from reaching 802.11n speeds, much less whatever alphabet soup
>> comes later.
> Doesn't stop customers from buying it if it's cheap and available, which
> doesn't stop them from proving they are getting 10Gbps as advertised.
> Mark.

I suppose in reality it’s no different than any other utility. My home has 200 
amp electrical service. Will I ever use 200 amps at one time? Highly highly 
unlikely. But if my electrical utility wanted to advertise “200 amp service in 
all homes we supply!” they sure could. Would an electrician be able to test it? 
I’m sure there is a way somehow.

If me and everyone on my street tried to use 200 amps all at the same time, 
could the infrastructure handle it? Doubtful. But do I on occasion saturate my 
home fiber 300 mbit synchronous connection? Every now and then yes, but rarely. 
Although if I’m paying for 300 and not getting it, my ISP will be hearing from 

If my electrical utility told me “hey, you can upgrade to 500 amp service for 
no additional charge” would I do it? Sure, what the heck. If my water utility 
said “guess what? You can upgrade to a 2-inch water line at no additional 
charge!” would I do it? Probably yeah, why not?

Would I ever use all that capacity on $random_utility at one time? Of course 
not. But nice to know it’s there if I ever need it.

Andy Ringsmuth
News Link – Manager Technology, Travel & Facilities
2201 Winthrop Rd., Lincoln, NE 68502-4158
(402) 475-6397    (402) 304-0083 cellular

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