at 8:56 PM, John Levine <> wrote:

In article <> you write:
I'm very sorry to read that, as an ISP, you have to comply with a
para-judicial process that puts you in charge of censorship.

Dealing with DMCA notices is a matter of statute law in the US, and it
is a really, really bad idea to ignore them unread.  It doesn't matter
what anyone here thinks about it.


PS: Here's why:


Plus I’m largely indifferent to it. On one hand, I’m a firm believer in a free and open Internet. But on the other hand, it’s so easy to hide your online activity that I have a hard time feeling sorry for anyone who gets caught up in the drag net. Anyone who gets a notice from us is completely and utterly apathetic about online privacy and it’s astonishing to be just how lazy people really are.

I only have a few hundred users, so definitely not a representative sample size, but in all my time here we’ve only had a single repeat offender.

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