What do you mean ? Examples of Telemetry use cases are infinite?

Are you asking for popular use cases that were not possible with snmp and


On Sunday, August 5, 2018, Sami Joseph <sami.jos...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On the topic of marketing hypes vs real requirements, does anyone see real
> use cases for telemetry ? Can anyone pls give me examples?
> Thanks
> On Sunday, July 8, 2018, <adamv0...@netconsultings.com> wrote:
>> > From: Marcus Leske [mailto:marcusles...@gmail.com]
>> > Sent: Saturday, July 07, 2018 3:58 PM
>> >
>> > open APIs tops that funny abuse list IMHO :
>> > https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/issues/568
>> >
>> > can we change the topic of the thread to an informative one, instead of
>> a
>> > leaked video or not, to why exactly do network engineers are often
>> > confused by the abusive marketing all over the place of what is open and
>> > what is not and other computing terms.
>> >
>> > I guess this is happening in networking more often than other domains
>> > because networking people didnt get a chance in their career to learn
>> about
>> > the world of computing, their heads were somewhere else, learning about
>> > complex networking protocols and not the common computing interfaces,
>> > the open source world, existing  frameworks and paradigms, this video
>> helps
>> > a bit on how did this happen:
>> > https://vimeo.com/262190505https://vimeo.com/262190505
>> >
>> > has anyone here seen list of topics that network engineers usually miss
>> on
>> > their journey ?  i know they never get exposed to software development
>> > and engineering in general, databases, web technologies, operating
>> system
>> > fundamentals.
>> >
>> Well I guess if you stick around in networking for long time you kind of
>> get exposed to some of these to a certain level on a day job, some of it
>> was covered in school in various levels of detail, and to some of these
>> concepts we (networkers) get a specific very narrow filed exposure I'd say,
>> like in your example of databases -well various protocol tables are good
>> examples of decentralized distributed databases, then some Network OS-es
>> are good examples of distributed operating systems. So I guess it then just
>> boils down to the willingness of and individual to understand these
>> concepts on an ever more fundamental level -with every next interaction
>> with these. Maybe it draws one more towards the software development side
>> or perhaps more towards the somewhat holistic understanding of the
>> networking discipline through graph theory and complex adaptive systems.
>> adam
>> netconsultings.com
>> ::carrier-class solutions for the telecommunications industry::
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