Just as a small point of contention, if you lose the bread basket and the agricultural industries, you might as well have never received an emergency alert in a city where the supplies and fresh food will run out and people will be fighting and killing each other for a Snickers bar.

No good saving millions of people if you can't feed more than thousands.

Just my $.02. :)

On 10/08/2018 12:42 PM, b...@theworld.com wrote:
I suppose since every life is precious one can measure the
effectiveness based on "land mass" but then one wonders if some sheep
out in a field in Idaho really care that the US was just invaded...put
better: You do what you can!

.==== === --  - --  - - -        -   - ---.
| Nate Metheny        Director, Technology |
| Santa Fe Institute   office 505.946.2730 |
| cell 505.672.8790       fax 505.982.0565 |
| http://www.santafe.edu  n...@santafe.edu |
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