On October 10, 2018 at 17:58 snasl...@medline.com (Naslund, Steve) wrote:
 > It only proves that you have seen the card at some point.  Useless.
 > Steven Naslund
 > Chicago IL
 > >I'm pretty sure the "entire point" of inventing CVV was to prove you
 > >physically have the card.

It's not useless, it protects against what it protects. Like
dumpster-diving in the imprint days or if someone gets hold of all the
credit card numbers + expirations (+ names, maybe) from your
database. If you don't store CVVs (which is forbidden by contract)
they won't have CVVs and sites which require them won't accept
transactions. It's kind of like a PIN but yes too easily stolen.

A friend used to write "ASK FOR PHOTO ID" in the signature portion of
his credit cards and, I saw this, cashiers would look at it, look at
his signature as if they were comparing, and say OK thank you!

        -Barry Shein

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