So I decided to respond to a message earlier - was the first time in quite a while on the NANOG list. Like, we're talking maybe 3-6 months since my last post?

This afternoon I get an e-mail from Brad Lovelace <> asking me if I have cisco, juniper, etc to sell to his company, claimed I have done business with him before (even though I've never sold any equipment to them, nor have we ever communicated before - my e-mail archives go back to 1996 or so).

Isn't the first time I've been contacted by a networking gear vendor after they 'mysteriously' got my e-mail address (shortly after I posted a comment here) as someone who was interested in their wares.

We may have someone scraping e-mail addresses and names from the nanog list - don't suppose the mods might be so gracious enough to look at the sub list and see if anyone from is on here?

Sorry in advance to go somewhat OT.

Brielle Bruns
The Summit Open Source Development Group    /

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