There were many requests for screenshots and I wanted to share it with
everyone here.

thank you everyone for all suggestions and help.

On Wed, Oct 24, 2018 at 12:44 PM Mehmet Akcin <> wrote:

> Hello there,
> I wanted to give you all an update on Network Atlas
> as we started loading terrestrial links to
> our system, we have ran into some scale issues but we are working thru this
> as we speak.
> We are currently looking for people who can help with providing us KMZs
> which are publicly available for as many as terrestrial routes possible for
> us to stress test our newly designed more scalable backend.
> If you are able to assist please visit our GitHub repository
> and feel free to
> send me links of the KMZs and I will put them all in this repository for
> others to easily access and use.
> We also have a slack channel if you are interested in joining you can
> click here https://join.slack
> .com/t/kapany/shared_invite/enQtNDQ1NTkxMzI0NjEyLWUzYWM3YjBjODJmNmYzMjYwZmM4MzFlZjg2MWNjMDUzZGZjMzViNDk0Njc1OTViZmNhMWIxZThiNDBkNWU0YTA
> if you want to contribute to project in any other way (hosting, software
> development, etc.. please contact me directly..)
> thank you everyone and we look forward to making our next update in
> upcoming weeks.
> Mehmet

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