Hey, I lurk a bit, and try to stay out of stuff if I can, but I've had a bout 
of problems that appear to have a common source.
I work in the Educational networking area, and a lot of our members are pre-RIR 
formation internet users. They have IP ranges that were allocated from the 
150/8 through 170/8 blocks. Unfortunately, a bunch of those are part of the 
legacy ranges handled by APNIC and AFRINIC. Here in the US, mention of either 
of those makes security people have dreams of Nigerian princes and 
Korean/Chinese hackers.

Don't get me wrong, these are long term US based governmental and educational 
institutions. Bonified, accredited institutions. When I call a health care 
organization, or a web hosting provider, the first thing I get is that they 
think we are trying to pull one over on them and all these ranges must be in 
Africa or Asia. I show them the ARIN information for the specific /16, and 
sometimes I can make some headway. Sometimes there's no convincing them. This 
issue appears to be getting worse over time, so I was wondering if some 
misguided organization or group is going around pressing for the rules that are 
triggering these issues? Is there a public information forum that might be able 
to educate security administrators to not cut off wide swaths of the US 
internet from taking advantage of their products and services?

It's very frustrating


Shannon Spurling


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