On Tue, 15 Jan 2019 at 19:01, Vanbever Laurent <lvanbe...@ethz.ch> wrote:
> Networks evolve in uncertain environments. Links and devices randomly fail; 
> external BGP announcements unpredictably appear/disappear leading to 
> unforeseen traffic shifts; traffic demands vary, etc. Reasoning about network 
> behaviors under such uncertainties is hard and yet essential to ensure 
> Service Level Agreements.
> We're reaching out to the NANOG community as we (researchers) are trying to 
> better understand the practical requirements behind "probabilistic" network 
> reasoning. Some of our questions include: Are uncertain behaviors 
> problematic? Do you care about such things at all? Are you already using 
> tools to ensure the compliance of your network design under uncertainty? Are 
> there any good?
> We designed a short anonymous survey to collect operators answers. It is 
> composed of 14 optional questions, most of which (13/14) are closed-ended. It 
> should take less than 10 minutes to complete. We expect the findings to help 
> the research community in designing more powerful network analysis tools. 
> Among others, we intend to present the aggregate results in a scientific 
> article later this year.
> It would be *terrific* if you could help us out!
> Survey URL: https://goo.gl/forms/HdYNp3DkKkeEcexs2
> Thanks much!
> Laurent Vanbever, ETH Zürich
> PS: It goes without saying that we would also be extremely grateful if you 
> could forward this email to any operator you know and who may not read NANOG.

Hi Laurent,

I have filled out the survey however, I would just like to request
that in the future you don't use a URL shortner like goo.gl; many
people don't like those because we can't see were you're sending us
until we click that link. Some people also block them because they are
a security issue (our corporate proxy does, I have to drop off the VPN
or use a URL expander to retrieve the original URL).

Also have you seen Batfish? I looks like you guys want to write a tool
that has some overlap with Batfish. Batfish can ingest the configs
from my network and answer questions such as "can host A can reach
host B?" or "will prefix advertisement P from host A will be
filtered/accepted by host B?", "if I ping from this source IP who has
a return route and can respond?" etc.

Kind regards,

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