Re: Fire

Also fire dept response.

I've ridden with the Boston Fire Dept, extreme cold is a major PITA,
hydrants freeze, you have to work in it going from the heat of the
fire to sub-zero air temps over and over, all while getting soaking
wet, and wind-chill is certainly a factor.

There were always cautionary stories about some firefighter having a
heart attack struggling to get a frozen hydrant open. Whether factual
or not I think it makes a point, no water no firefighting in general.

I could tell you about the fire boats in February...sometimes you need

I just saw a news spot (I believe Chicago) where they had to raise to
multiple alarms on a fairly simple tho working house fire just so they
had enough firefighters to cycle them through a warming truck (I don't
remember any warming truck in Boston tho you could go sit in a truck
cab :-))

Which means thinner coverage for other areas.

        -Barry Shein

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