I have notified people who is working on this.

On Sun, Mar 17, 2019 at 07:21 John Von Essen <j...@essenz.com> wrote:

> If anyone from Yahoo/Oath is here, please email me off-list. Have a
> GeoDNS issue with yahoo API URLs in Australia, DNS results are returning
> IPs that are not ideal for the region (like on the other side of the
> world), it so bad (excess latency), we have to override them locally
> which I really rather not have to do. This is related to operations of a
> major/global search engine platform.
> In Australia, these Yahoo URLs should be resolving to Singapore, but
> instead are resolving to central USA. The issue started a few weeks
> back, prior to that DNS resolution was working to Singapore.
> Thanks
> John
> --

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