I've been bit by this in the past at two different exchanges.  I too have a
policy applied to deny IXP LANs from upstreams and peers.  It would be nice
if there was a list of all IXP LANs somewhere that we could generically add
to all upstream and peers.

On Thu, Mar 28, 2019 at 9:11 AM Eric Dugas <edu...@unknowndevice.ca> wrote:

> I have a policy applied to my upstreams and peers to deny the IXP's LANs
> were connected to. I don't think of any reason to learn these routes from
> someone else's network.
> On Wed, Mar 27, 2019 at 7:44 PM Cummings, Chris <ccummi...@coeur.com>
> wrote:
>> Not too sure about your topology, but I’ve had something similar bite me,
>> so we typically put a prefix list inbound to deny receiving our internal
>> prefixes from our peers. This probably doesn’t work as well if your network
>> is less “eyeballish” than ours, however.
>> /chris
>> On Wed, Mar 27, 2019 at 4:37 PM -0500, "Graham Johnston" <
>> johnst...@westmancom.com> wrote:
>> This afternoon at around 12:17 central time today we began learning the
>>> subnet for the Equinix IX in Chicago via a transit provider; we are on the
>>> IX as well. The subnet in question is Using
>>> stat.ripe.net
>>> <https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fstat.ripe.net&c=E,1,HdSVqYeR7jgCV-Dur66y05aHEW-BSduVIIHYHrXZ1P6qOt3fa684wgoFR9CoVMgOpEaWMO0lwDjZkSR-n80nd7Rvcqp4MKodaGyrIDIjEhtPXiDie1SaYsyZJ9ed&typo=1>
>>> I can see that this subnet is also being learned by others, see the snip
>>> below. On our network this caused a nasty routing loop until we figured out
>>> what was wrong. My current best understanding is that because the route was
>>> learned via eBGP it trumped the OSPF learned route. As soon as I filtered
>>> the advertisement from my transit provider everything returned to normal.
>>> What am I doing that isn’t best practices that would have prevented this?
>>> Thanks,
>>> graham
>>> RIPE Info
>>> *1* RRCs see *1* peers announcing *
>>> <>* originated by *AS32703*
>>> <https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fstat.ripe.net%2fAS32703&c=E,1,TOo4BxuZBilA6dEeEsyArFdQvYciFoXF4XjZNU4NqyzUFPawLd-3hzV5XwlwfBLIcVRBns_GfdJCxNBaU2dYqDWisxgCxwxRPMoTfXq-TRSDQa_BgAvqRg,,&typo=1>
>>> ·         ▼RRC00 in *Amsterdam, Netherlands* sees *1* ASN orginating 
>>> *
>>> <>*.AS32703
>>> o    ▼*AS32703
>>> <https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fstat.ripe.net%2fAS32703&c=E,1,LPjxozPn3-dGOA9bDJB081OscbzusnfrxssBxyMbOyunZUcNyeibk_RHV8UYO3Fw77TpLU9yRsywr6KjrmyXWgKk4DQ7XRSgr1_W1SNgkfA,&typo=1>*
>>>  is
>>> seen as the origin by *1* peer.
>>> §  ▼*
>>> <https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fstat.ripe.net%2f192.102.254.1&c=E,1,fW5rffxlYLANo-g3GopSdMyHH2oIqoulMERJOjPrrdRL4Z8602v0WhaVuS6ignBPzPDgh4S05V55mLAGu_OFn1TzFyYcCpMMzTgH1ejtJmILMrcaDQDn&typo=1>*
>>>  is
>>> announcing route *AS395152*
>>> <https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fstat.ripe.net%2fAS395152&c=E,1,I_iMCTImXK-T7Vj5VALSLMN6lo0N3-N2qYG7QlBHNK8oXNmPQnsp4zJy424NN2Y8z2WxSBIfaPSkLoibtnClWliVcGMhdMDsIewEnAgiZaRITyPjKA,,&typo=1>
>>>  *AS63297*
>>> <https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fstat.ripe.net%2fAS63297&c=E,1,V7oySywzIc8rSc64KXotimJVgetH1G5VqJoedNuNjm9JbOYDh8qrdMlVKD12tKJtJ4STBfu9kLFuBXInbfko44ryiCz5Gy2CztDGyYXF4HJW6Jm3uPvJgOUAfTc,&typo=1>
>>>  *AS6327*
>>> <https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fstat.ripe.net%2fAS6327&c=E,1,4wIITl8037dr3SSHzQmbAIwgiFe3X75-DkFAlERAGWEFjFROhFPMC2c3IGy_vChkNN-YI2OoobMvhOUKjiV9mt69N8kXl_RTvv22nZHKLJkYc59V&typo=1>
>>>  *AS36280*
>>> <https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fstat.ripe.net%2fAS36280&c=E,1,_jAHKYzgyGwMDV4H1HRk1FK3bV5j_t6dSn2YfYhnhLBYub5v33-ryduZ34KVZYUy19lhSRThf8TUnUT_6V35nTMLw6SCXqY0S8bggDBKvYUg&typo=1>
>>> *AS32703*
>>> <https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fstat.ripe.net%2fAS32703&c=E,1,RAfxFbCQUejEFosUxg2dek9Ke5qatnE5GGjP6p2ovv1XL6hN77GlayI0Nm5jA_jRLCxzzaZQUdABGyy7HlA7bi93SIbytUbKx_49kJPC168,&typo=1>
>>> .
>>> §  Origin: IGP
>>> §  Next Hop:
>>> §  Peer:
>>> §  Community: 63297:1000
>>> §  AS Path: 395152 63297 6327 36280 32703
>>> §  Last Updated: 2019-03-27T17:17:19
>>> Route-views
>>> route-views.chicago.routeviews.org
>>> <https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2froute-views.chicago.routeviews.org&c=E,1,E0igNv77g9AAa2d6Uaxl8p-e1C0XIX7IzMRDUURg85DkFqIFTzckgumVyHoZqhybvGEz7rGGqi_cSc8KzJW5xx3nxdSBkfe6z_hdXiip8re7qfTpyjS1o2wzcvLw&typo=1>>
>>> show ip bgp
>>> BGP routing table entry for
>>> Paths: (1 available, best #1, table Default-IP-Routing-Table)
>>>   Not advertised to any peer
>>>   32709 32703
>>> from (
>>>       Origin IGP, localpref 100, valid, external, best
>>>       AddPath ID: RX 0, TX 64414249
>>>       Last update: Wed Mar 27 17:16:09 2019

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